Everyone in our life including our Parents, Teachers, Relative, Neighbour etc. encourages us to keep Focus on study. "Padho beta Padho",and unknowingly we keep struggling with the books.Most of us are studying just because we all are instructed by our parents,teachers etc.
But at last, Self motivation is better then the instructed motivation. So most of us fails, we get distracted again and again from our books , Just because there is lack of self motivation inside us. We have to understand the failures and distraction in studies apparently come from instructed motivation, the instruction which we all are following instead of understanding ourself.

There's a one "WORD" that can change your life, which can make you UNDISTRACTED and comparatively being focused on your study.
Try to understand guys, we all require a "BIG REASON" to study, we need a "BURNING DESIRE" inside us to study.
Hum kyu padh rae hai ?
Kislie padh rae hai ?
Ask Yourself !!
The day you get a "REASON" to study.
No Person, No Thing, and no object will be able to DISTRACT you . No on can stop you to achieve your goal , Because then you will be studying for yourself rather then for someone else. Push Yourself because no one esle is going to do it for you.
It's all about a BIG REASON you require. A burning desire inside you, and that's all will make all difference.
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