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No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Its Actually you who demotivate himself or herself , believe in yourself and that's going to change your life .It's easy to allow others opinions and views to influence the way we feel. yes we all are habituated of listening to other rather then understanding ourself .Yet, if we can learn to shake off other people's negativity we then control our own state of happiness. We have to be positive and move on with what we have got  Do what makes you happy; we control our own state of mind.

According to one of the biggest Chinese Businessman "Jack Ma"- "IF YOU DONT GIVE UP, YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE GIVING UP IS THE GREATES FAILURE ". 
Today is hard tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine . so no matter whats the condition is or whatever the situation is just remember on word "NEVER GIVE UP".
literally giving up is the greatest failure. stay focused towards your goal and definately success will be yours.

Stop greiving or regreeting about your past mistakes . Try to learn from them and come over it and move on in your life . Its time to focus on your future rather regretting with your past . The day you will stop thinking about your past at that time on that moment you are going to beat those thousand or lakhs of people who are still anquished with their past. According to "ALYSON NOEL"-"THE ONLY THING A PERSON CAN EVER REALLY DO IS KEEP MOVING FORWARD". Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge towards the future.


Thinking is something which shows or indicates the action of a individual, If it comes about thought or thinking then why not think bigger! Big thoughts or bigger thinking will definately held you with great success .. So in other words  BIG THINKING=BIGGER SUCCESS . All you require is focus towards your goal and hard work. Dont let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big . According to former president of US "DONALD TRUMP"- "YOU HAVE TO THINK ANYWAY, SO WHY NOT THINK BIG?".Big things preceeds great achievement.


Pleasures that are for short period like Alchol, Cigareetes etc.or which are temporary is considered as Temporary pleasures and obviously this things should be evaded in order to achieve success. There are two options in our life Temporary pain or Temporary pleasures. If we choose temporary pain so the pain in it going to last longer for like 3 years , 4 years or maximum 5 years but at last its going to be fruitful for you . Secondly if we choose temporary pleasure so the pleasure will be for short term period and its not going to return something to anyone . "NO PAIN NO GAIN". The higher the amount of pain the higher the taste of success.  According to " DAVE WILLIS"- NEVER TRADE TEMPORARY PLEASURES FOR PERMANENT REGRET.


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